Rainier Beach Action Coalition (RBAC) announces the launch of Four Branches, Four Colors: An RBAC Series, a multimedia showcase highlighting the organization’s efforts to uplift and support the Rainier Beach neighborhood. The series began in October and runs through early January 2025.
Each month, the Four Branches, Four Colors series will spotlight one of RBAC’s four branches:
RBAC’s work addresses the distinct needs of the Rainier Beach neighborhood from economic development, safety, sustainable agriculture, education, and more. The series will use a range of media to connect with neighbors of Rainier Beach and beyond.
There will also be monthly fundraisers that will support each branch, with an overall goal of raising $20,000. The first fundraiser, focused on A Place for Everyone, takes place in October, with a goal of $5,000 to support projects like the Recreating Henderson Project, initiatives to boost local businesses, and our Priority Hire efforts.
Jarquita Brown, RBAC Development Manager, expressed her enthusiasm about the campaign, stating, “With this campaign, we really wanted to highlight the incredible work of our organization through our Four Branches, Four Colors series. Each fundraiser is a celebration of the unique contributions of our branches, and we are thrilled to bring the neighborhood together to support these efforts.”
The A Place for Everyone branch will host a Facebook Live event on Wednesday, October 30, at 12 p.m. This event will honor and celebrate the branch of A Place for Everyone. We are inviting neighbors and neighborhood friends to join us and see the work of this branch in real time. Meet the key stewards and key projects and get a holistic and nuanced perspective on what it takes for all of us to take part in developing the economic landscape of Rainier Beach.
“We not only want residents to know what is occurring in their neighborhood on their behalf, but to understand what RBAC is doing as their representative,” this is a constant refrain by RBAC’s Managing Strategist, Gregory Davis, is a daily pursuit of ours here at RBAC.
This series invites neighbors and neighborhood friends to learn about RBAC’s mission and contribute to Rainier Beach’s ongoing development. For more details or to support the series and fundraising efforts and learn more about RBAC, visit our WA Gives profile here: https://www.wagives.org/story/Fourbranchesfourcolors.
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